

Westhold System Transponders are required in every division. There is a rental fee of $10 per night with Drivers License.

Drivers must be at least 16 years of age unless pre-approved by Attica Raceway Park Management (identification will be required).

ALL drivers competing at Attica Raceway Park are required to utilize one-way radios for communication between track officials and racers

Drivers will be allowed to compete in more than one division on race nights. However, the driver must be ready to race and cannot hold up the show.


Pill draw for hot lap and qualifying order. Qualifying determines only heat race line ups

Hot lap and qualify at the same time. 3 hot laps / qualifying laps

Groups will be split up equally into heat races (depending on number of cars)

Qualify against only the cars in your heat race group (2 – 4 cars on the track at one time)

If a race car reports to the work area at any time during qualifying for any reason other than a non-functioning transponder, that car may not start inside the heat race inversion. 

If you miss your qualifying mini group, you may qualify one (1) lap at the end of your heat race or the end of your division, but you may not start inside the heat race inversion. 


2 Heat Format (up to 17 cars)

 Invert 4, top 2 finishers in each heat, plus the fastest qualifier in each heat that finishes in the top 4 of each heat, re-draw (6 cars) for the first 6 starting positions in the A-Main. Remaining cars will be lined up by heat race finish.

3 Heat Race Format (18-27 cars)

 Invert 4, top 5 transfer, top 2 finishers in each heat, plus the 2 fastest overall qualifiers that transfer but did not finish in the top 2, re-draw (8 cars) for the first 8 starting positions in the A-Main. Remaining 3rd, 4th  and 5th place finishers would line up starting 9th – 15th in the A-Main. 16-20 (Top 5 transfers from B-Main the way they finish in B-Main). If a B-Main is not run, the fastest overall qualifiers must finish in the top 5 of a heat race to be eligible for the re-draw.

4 Heat Race Format (28-36 cars)

 Invert 4, top 4 transfer, top 2 finishers in each heat, plus the 2 fastest overall qualifiers that transfer but did not finish in the top 2, re-draw (10 cars) for the first 10 starting positions in the A-Main. 17-20 (Top 4 transfers from B Main the way they finish in B-Main). If 2 B-Mains are run, the top (2) finishers in each B-Main will make the A-Main.



1. PACE TRUCK: Do not pass the pace truck unless directed by a track official. If you pass the pace truck you will be moved back two positions. Line up behind the pace truck as safely and quickly as possible.

2. PUSH OFF: You are allowed one push-off per race, which constitutes your car being under its own power. If you stop on the track and need assistance to restart or hold up the race, you must go to the tail. Remain under idle until all track officials are off race track. You will be told on raceceivers when to line up.

3. GREEN FLAG: When the green flag waves, that constitutes the start of the race and no alternates will be added. Alternates in the A-Mains need to be in the staging area. If all cars in the A-Main make the call and take the green flag, you will be told to return to the pit area. You must take the green flag in the A-Main to receive any feature money and feature points.

4. STARTING A RACE: The entire field must complete one lap, excluding the car(s) causing the yellow or red. Car(s) involved in the yellow or red must go to the tail.

5. YELLOW FLAG: If you are considered part of a yellow or red flag situation you must go to the tail. If you are involved in any combination of two yellows or reds in any race, you are disqualified from that race. Once the yellow flag has been thrown and all cars are accounted for, and you spin on the racetrack, and cannot restart under your own power you must go to the tail, but you will not be charged with the yellow flag. If a yellow flag is thrown for debris on the race track, the yellow flag will be for debris only. If you spin and the yellow is brought out for you, you must go to the tail even if your car continued under power. If a yellow flag appears on the first lap, the line-up will be crisscrossed minus the car(s) involved.  All cars involved in the yellow flag will then restart at the rear of the field. If you go to the pit area, you will be lined up behind the car(s) involved in the yellow or red. If idling around under yellow and you stop and do not need any assistance restarting and do not hold up race you get your spot back. If stopped by an official and you do not hold up the race you get your spot back. If you need to stop for a safety reason you must stop by an official. No working on your car on the racetrack or you will be disqualified. If you lose a muffler during race, you are disqualified from that race.

6. RED FLAG: Do not drive through the crash site. Once you have stopped on the race track, please keep your helmet on so you can receive a line up from the scoring tower. ALL RED FLAGS ARE CLOSED. No drivers or crew members allowed on the racetrack or that car can be disqualified. Drivers do not get out of your car unless for emergency situation. If the accident appears to be a long delay, an open red may be allowed. Officials will have you pushed to the turn 3 & 4 area of the racetrack depending on location of accident. You may then do anything to your car except change a tire. If a tire is changed you must go to the tail. If you need to change a spacer, please notify an official. If at any time you go to the pit area, you must restart on the tail. Once the accident has been cleaned up, please have your crew members leave the racetrack as soon as possible. You must not hold up restart or you must go to the tail. If a red flag appears on the first lap the line-up will be crisscrossed minus the car(s) involved.

7. ORIGINAL STARTS: Front row will bring the field side by side to the orange tire at a moderate pace. If the start is called back, the front row car(s) that brought out the yellow will be given one warning. If the same car(s) repeat the offense that car(s) will be moved back to row 2. If any other cars move out of line to get a run or pass a car before the green flag has been waved, the yellow may come out and that car will be moved back one row or that car will be penalized two positions per car passed on the next yellow or red flag, or at the end of the race. Once the green flag is waved the race is on for everyone.

8. RESTARTS: Form a single file line so officials can get you in proper running order. CARS WILL BE SCORED UP UNTIL THE YELLOW OR RED FLAG IS THROWN, MUST HAVE THE LEADER AND ONE MORE CAR CROSS THE FINISH LINE FOR THAT LAP TO COUNT. ANY CARS CROSSING THE START FINISH LINE AFTER THAT WILL BE LINED UP FROM THE PREVIOUSLY COMPLETED GREEN FLAG LAP. All restarts are on the frontstretch. The race leader must accelerate and restart the race from the original starting tire. If the leader accelerates before the orange tire and gains an advantage, the yellow will come out and the leader will receive one warning. If the leader restarts too early again, the yellow will come out and the leader will be penalized two positions. All cars must stay single file through the cone on the front stretch. No gaps will be allowed as to make a run. If you pass a car, drive under the cone or hit the cone you will be penalized two positions on the next yellow or red or at the end of the race.

9. LAPPED CARS: Lapped cars will be placed at the tail of the field behind the last car on the lead lap. In the A-Main each car will receive one “Lucky Dog” and be put back on the lead lap one time if you are not down two or more laps. If you cause a yellow or red and are one lap down you do not get your lap back, however if another yellow or red comes out for someone else and you are still only one lap down, you will get your lap back.

10. WORKING ON YOUR CAR IN PIT AREA: If at any time you go to the pit area after the initial green flag, you may re-enter the race under a yellow or red flag condition provided: A) You are on the lead lap, or B) You are one lap down and have not used your “Lucky Dog”. You must be ready to go when the one lap signal is given. You may be pushed at that time and fall in at your correct position. We will not wait on anyone. No grace laps are given except for a flat tire during the first half of the A-Main only. You will be given two laps once your car reaches the work area. All work must be done in the work area. If you go to your pit you are finished for that race. Adding fuel in the work area is not allowed, subject to disqualification.

11. CHECKERED FLAG/FINISH: The race is complete once the flagman has displayed the checkered flag and the leader crosses the finish line. If the yellow or red is displayed after the leader crosses the line under checkered, the remainder of the finishing order will be based on the previous completed lap, less any car(s) involved in the yellow or red.

12. SCALES: Top 3 finishers in A-Main must go to scales. 410 Sprints: 1,425lbs, UMP Late Models: 2,350lbs, 305 Sprints: 1,500lbs. All with driver in car. Failure to do so or meet required minimum weight will result in disqualification.

13. BLACK FLAG: If the black flag is waved at you, go to the pits immediately. If pointed at you, you have been given a warning.

14. SWITCHING CARS: Once a driver and car come on the racetrack for their heat race they have created a “Team”. If one of the “Team” members cannot compete in the next scheduled race for the “Team” and the driver wants to drive a different car not qualified for the A Main the driver will be required to tag the tail of the next main event for that division (C or B-Main(s)), even if the driver has qualified for a higher main event. The driver and car must stay as a team in order to run the A Main. The driver must run the Heat race and/or B-Main they are assigned. If a driver is late in coming to the track and can’t start their assigned heat, they will be placed on the tail of the B-Main. If there is no B-Main they will NOT be allowed to run in the A-Main. A car may only run in one heat and/or one B-Main. The car and driver “Team” rule also applies to the A-Main alternate(s).

15. STOPPING ON THE RACE TRACK: If you need to stop on the racetrack for safety reason you must stop by an official. Any driver stopping on the racetrack to protest will be disqualified.

16. MISCONDUCT: Anyone involved in a fight at another trailer will be given two weeks suspension and fined $200, payable before the next race.

17. STRIKING AN OFFICIAL: Anyone striking an official will draw up to a $1,000 minimum fine and a minimum 1-year suspension from the date of incident. Cost (like medical expenses or destruction of property) must be paid by perpetrator before they can race or be allowed back on the premises.

18. VERBAL ABUSE: Verbal abuse of a track official will not be tolerated. Depending on the severity, the perpetrator will be dealt with at Attica Raceway Park’s discretion.

19. SCORING TOWER / FLAGSTAND: Scoring tower and flag stand are off-limits to drivers, crew, and/or family members and the general public.

20. ATV’S/4 WHEELERS: ATV’s/4 wheelers are not allowed on the race track and are not allowed to leave the pit area. Any abuse of this privilege is subject to loss of privilege.

21. SPIRIT OF THE RULE: Although every effort has been directed towards complete, understandable, and correct rules, Attica Raceway Park cannot possibly anticipate every situation, circumstance, or interpretation. With this in mind, we must refer to the SPIRIT OF THE RULE. Spirit of the Rule means very simply, the intent of every rule and classification. Additional adjustments, alterations, modifications, and/or replacements not covered by written rules should NOT be assumed to be legal under the SPIRIT OF THE RULE. SPIRIT OF THE RULE will be the final criteria by which rules will be interpreted and enforced.

22. DISCLAIMER: Attica Raceway Park is private property. The management reserves the right to refuse entry onto the premises of any individual and further reserves the right to eject from the premises any individual at any time, if at our discretion, we determine the individual’s presence or conduct not in the best interest of the Raceway. In addition, the management of Attica Raceway Park reserves the right to suspend, bar, or fine any participant who, in our judgement, is engaged in misconduct, or whose presence or conduct is deemed not to be in the best interest of Attica Raceway Park. The duration and severity of any such action will be determined solely by the management of Attica Raceway Park.

23. ADDITIONALLY: The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for orderly conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules shall govern the condition of all events, and by participating in these events, all participants are deemed to have complied with these rules. NO EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM PUBLICATION OF OR A COMPLIANCE WITH THESE RULES AND/OR REGULATIONS. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to a participant, spectator, or official. Attica Raceway Park Management shall be empowered to permit minor deviation from any of the specifications herein or impose any further restrictions that in their opinion do not alter the minimum acceptable requirements. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM SUCH ALTERATION OR SPECIFICATIONS. Any interpretation or deviation of these rules is left to the discretion of Attica Raceway Park Management. Situations may arise that are not precisely covered in these procedures. All rulings and interpretations of the rules included herein will be made by Attica Raceway Park Management. Amendments and/or updates may be made to these rules at any time. No changes or additions will affect the intent or decisions based upon these rules prior to any amendments. EACH competitor is solely responsible for the effectiveness and proper installations, per the manufacturer’s specifications of personal safety equipment and determining it to be acceptable for competition. Each competitor is expected to investigate and educate themselves regarding their own personal safety equipment.

410 Sprints

The 2025 rules for the 410 Sprints at Attica Raceway Park will follow those established by the All Star Circuit if Champions Sprint Cars with the following exceptions:

1,425 pound minimum weight (with driver) – Top 3 finishers in the A-Main must go to the scales

Failure to report to scales or meet minimum weight will result in disqualification

Mufflers required. Muffler rule will implement the Schoenfeld 14272735-78 for all events.

Tethers and kingpins not required for weekly events.

Fire suppression systems are highly recommended but not required for weekly events. 

Click Here To View All Star Sprints Rules

Late Models

With the UMP DIRTcar sanction, drivers competing at Attica will be eligible to race for UMP national, regional and state points, as well as prize money. The dirt late model rules for 2025 will apply under UMP DIRTcar guidelines with the following exceptions:

2,350 pound minimum weight (with driver) – Top 3 finishers in the A-Main must go to scales

Failure to report to scales or meet minimum weight will result in disqualification.

UMP Late Models will be permitted to use the 2022 season permitted Hoosier tires LM 20, 30, 40 as well as 2024 NLMT2, NLMT3 and NLMT4.

View UMP DIRTcar Super Late Model Rules

305 Sprints

2025 305 Sprint Car Rules

The following specifications have been prepared by Attica Raceway Park as guidelines for the construction of the 305-Sprint Division. No warranty of safety is expressed or implied as a result of this publication of rules. These rules are intended as guide and are in no way guarantee against injury or death to participants, spectators, or others. Anything not covered by these specifications should be approved by the track officials and placed in writing. Continuous developments in auto racing and technology may mandate changes in these specifications. However, it is our intent to enforce and police these rules throughout the season. If a change is necessary, technical bulletins will be prepared and distributed in advance.

This division was developed for the fun of racing in a low cost fashion. This requires limits in various areas to keep competition equal and fair for all participants. In order to accomplish this, if it doesn’t say you can – don’t! With the help and consideration of the participants, this can be accomplished. Try to live within the spirit of the rules. If you have questions, please contact track officials before you are found illegal for competition.

Weight Rule

• 1,500 pound minimum weight (with driver). Top 3 finishers in the A-Main must go to scales

Failure to report to scales or meet minimum weight will result in disqualification.

• The only titanium that is allowed is the in the rear end. (Within the rear end itself not in the
wheels or brakes)

• Track officials have the final say in determining the eligibility of each participant.


1. All engines must be GM 305cid V8s. RaceSaver engines are also legal. The block must be stock production type with maximum 3.805 inch maximum bore (316 cid maximum). Dart and Bowtie Blocks will be allowed using the same maximum bore of 3.805 inch. Engine must have all casting numbers for identification purposes. The block must be completely stock appearing (no grinding) on the outside. All engines must have flat-top pistons. I or H beam style rods can be used. Polishing of the sides of the rod I-beam permitted. Pistons may not protrude out of the block. Crankshafts may be stock GM 305 cast iron shaft with 3.480 inch maximum stroke or the Callies compstar crank and this can also be used as it comes out of the box no lightning other than to balance.

2. Cylinder heads must be Brodix Spec or All-Pro Aluminum

Brodix spec head requirements are: P/N: SP ST (bare) or SP ST PKG (complete).

Both P/N’s are the same casting (casting marks and stampings). Head must remain as cast. No porting or polishing of any kind in the intake or exhaust ports, under or behind the valves. No port matching. Do not disturb the combustion chamber. Brodix stamps must be seen. Must pass a 11:1 compression ratio this will be checked with a whistler.

ALL PRO spec head requirements are: To be 305 spec ALL PRO Head must be remain as cast. The same rules apply as those of the Brodix head. All Pro head will have marks in the ports similar to the Brodix. These heads must also pass the whistler at 11:1 ratio.

3. Valve springs must be straight and stock diameter of 1.26 inches. Stud mounted roller rocker allowed. No shaft mounted systems. No stud girdles. No rev kits. Screw in studs and push rod guides plates allowed.

4. Any ignition may be used.

5. Only stock diameter (0.842 inch) Flat tappet or Hydraulic lifters may be used NO ROLLERS OF ANY KIND

6. The oil system must be a wet sump system. No dry sump systems will be allowed.

7. Maximum fuel injection size permitted is 2 3/16 with all fuel lines in the manifold. No down nozzles allowed. Only one nozzle per cylinder.  Kinsler RACESAVER Injector is legal only on the RACESAVER engine. No carburetors or carburetor-style injections allowed. Stacks must be removable for technical inspection.

8. Mufflers required. Options include the existing Schoenfeld #112535 or the new #14272735-78

Track Officials will have the right to check engines at any time and will have the final say in determining the eligibility of any engine. Any illegal engine parts will be confiscated until end of season.

Fuel and Fuel Pumps

1. Only straight alcohol (methanol) allowed. No gasoline, nitro, or nitrous systems. An approved fuel bladder is mandatory. Fuel system infractions mandate immediate disqualification.

2. No electric fuel pumps.

Wheels and Tires

1. All wheels may be steel or Aluminum.

2. All right-rear wheels must have a bead-lock system with a tubeless tire. These are subject to approval.

3. Bleeders are allowed

4. The following Hoosier tires are allowed for the 2025 season..
Front Tires Hoosier D12 & D15 Left Rear Hoosier D12A Right Rear Hoosier D15A or Medium 1,


1. All brakes must be in good working order at all times.

2. Failure upon inspection mandate disqualification.

3. No carbon fiber parts will be allowed.


1. A top wing is mandatory. The wings must be a minimum of 15 sq. ft and a maximum size of 25 sq. ft. (Note, the 25 sq. ft. maximum size is consistent with the “World of Outlaws”.) Dished or Flat wings allowed

Dished wing no wicker bill, flat wing 2″ maximum wicker bill. 

2. 30 in x 70 in will be the maximum area allowed for sideboards. Max wing width will be 61 inches.

3. Wing adjustments from the cockpit will be allowed. 

4. Number must appear on both sides of the wing in sizes suitable for scoring purposes. Numbers must be 16 inches tall.

5. Front wings or nose wing will be allowed. If a front wing is used, the maximum size is 6 sq. ft. Leading edge of nose wing must be within 20” of leading edge of front axle.

Body, Frame and Bumpers

1. Frame and body must be sprint car appearing and must be inspected to be deemed safe for competition by Track Officials.

2. Front and rear bumpers are required. Any bent or broken bumpers not meeting the approval of Track Officials must be replaced. No aluminum or titanium bolts allowed anywhere on the car. No carbon fiber or titanium parts will be allowed. All bolts must pass a magnet test.

3. Nerf bars, right and left are required.

4. No rubber stretch straps or bungie cords.

5. No black pipe fittings.

6. No nut will have any internal threads visible. The bolt should be at least flush with the nut.

7. Workmanship, safety, and appearance shall determine whether or not a car will be allowed to compete.

Axles, Drivelines, Steering

1. Front spindles may be steel or aluminum.

2. Any torque tube will be permitted. A torque tube safety hoop is required. No straps.

3. No torque arms or open drivelines allowed.

4. Only approved racing steering boxes – Power or Manual.

5. No cockpit adjustments of any kind allowed. ( weight-jackers, shocks, wing sliders,…etc.)


1. Aluminum racing seat required – Full Containment Seats Highly Recommended

2. Five point seat belts required. Belts cannot be over 2 years old.

3. Helmet – Snell 2020 or newer HIGHLY Recommended.

4. Flame retardant driving suit required.

5. Flame retardant driving gloves required.

6. Flame retardant driving shoes required.

7. Fire proof underwear and socks recommended.

8. Arm restraints recommended.

9. Roll bar padding, headrest and rock screen recommended.

10. Side head restraints recommended – Head and neck restraints Highly Recommended

11. Fire suppression systems are Highly Recommended

Technical Procedures and Penalties

1. Any car may be inspected after an event by Track Officials. If a car is found to be illegal during technical inspection after event, the illegal car will lose its finish position, all points, and money for that event. Any car found illegal in pre-race inspection will not be allowed to compete unless repairs are made to meet the rules prior to a green flag lap. 

2. Upon the occurrence of the second infraction, all points earned for the year up to date will be forfeited as well as the points and money for that event. The owner/driver and car will be suspended for four dates of competition. This suspension can be carried over to the following season.

3. Track officials will have the final say in determining the validity of a protest or rules infraction.

4. Transponders required

5. Raceceiver radios required


The Dirt Trucks competing at Attica Raceway Park will follow the 2023 Dirt Truck rules of Fremont Speedway as found here:

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